Friday, June 6, 2008

The Weekend Ahead

Friday snuck up on me this time!
Ok.. Where to race this weekend?
Friday Snydersville will once a gain be open with the usual cast of characters buzzing around the well groomed bull pen. As usual racing starts around 6 pm, so run back home and hook up that trailer on lunch time! Weather looks good and the tempreture will be mild with a low of 65 and no rain in sight. Perfect for racing!
Saturday you have two choices OVRP where it may be a bit crowded as they have a national sling shot event going on and Poughkeepsie who is running their first night race of the season.
Poughkeepsie's night series schedule has them opening the gates at 2 PM and the track will open for first practice at 4 PM. I would expect the usual well run program on a fast, fast 1/5th mile paved oval. Both OVRP and Poughkeepsie are predicted to see high temperatures in the low 90's during the day. Bring your tents and lots of fluids, keep hydrated and don't forget the sun screen!

Good luck everyone! Please, if you can, send me your race report and pictures.

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