Just heard that Snydersville is having their Rules meeting on March 1st, 1pm. More details to come as soon as I know them. If anyone out there has better info, please let me know. Supposedly its the Firehouse or Ambulance building on 611.
So clear your schedules if you plan on running Snydersville at all this year.
Just as an FYI. I hope we can get the WF motor accepted as a competitor to the C/S class in Microstocks and to have Snydersville accept the seal used by WFMT as a "teched" Item. This will open the door for more competitors to run more places with the WF motor and be 100% legal without aditional expenses.
On a side note, Over the weekend we attempted to fit a WF motor in to the 12a. The Air Filter will be completly hanging over the rear bumper. The use of an Animal intake would solve this but would make the combination illigal for the WFMT series. IMO if we allow the stock Animal intake at Wall and Snydersville (Not an aftermarket Billet shorty or extra long..STOCK ONLY) we will make the addition of the WF motor to all the older rear engine cars much easier for everyone involved.
But we must ensure that each competitor realizes this would have to be swapped back to run a WFMT race.
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re: intake Sounds good to me!
Jeff, Come on, Here we go again. First of all If you have to switch back to be legal in wfmt Why change it to run at Snydersville. The whole Idea of a out of the box motor is just that.I believe the motor should run as it is. JC seal should be accepted but if someone wants to put up the money that motor could be torn down. Also Snydersville has a money race for our class. I think to be fair All motors are subject to tech seal or no seal. If any one out there doesn't like playing by the rules than run modified. At least you can be creative.--Ted
Ted, You should see the location once mounted in the 12a. The carb intake is way way too close to the rear bumper before even putting the air filter on. IMO it could lead to some really expensive repairs on damage caused during transport to the track let alone and on track incedents. Also the 12a has much more room than other rear engine cars. The STOCK animal intake would put the carb and air filter kicked out to the side and keep everything within the bumbers. But like I said, its not a stock WF motor so I am throwing this out to see what everyone thinks.
This right here is what is driving me out of microstock racing.Everybody wants rule changes based on what will work best,cheapest,and easiest,for THEIR cars,at the track THEY want to run at. Better yet,most of the guys who look for these rule changes run less races,at fewer tracks,than the guys who just keep their mouths shut,follow the rules the way they are written,and just race their cars.I don't even get the whole point of this deal anyway.Wouldn't it just be easier to give Syndersville a copy of the WF rule book and say this is class we want to run and here are the rules for it.Thas what happens with the Slingshots.They run at many diffenent tracks but each track follows the Slingshot rule book for that class,regardless of what other classes run at that track.The Unlimited Allstar kart class is the same way.Why should microstocks be any different.Why do guys get into this class and then try to bend it to meet their own needs.This on going attitude of racers thinking they are special and rules should be made or changed just to accomodate their own special needs has fragmented this class to the point of extinction.There seems to be no end of this attitude in sight.Jeff, for a guy who talks about bringing micro stocks back under one large successfull group,why to keep coming up with ideas that make that harder to do?I just don't get it...Arnold
Wow, Arnold, Thanks for the comment.
But I am confused. Getting Synyersville to accept the WFMT rules is exactly what I am asking for just that a non teched motor is allowed and a sealed motor is accepted. ITS STILL STOCK. All I therew out was the animal intake to see what everyone thought.
Look, a simple manifold chage will be what saves me and most other rear engine cars from having cut apart their frames and re weld to move the motor location.
For the 24x, 94 and 12a to fit a WF motor as is I need to remove the rear axle, shift it back by 8 or more inches and move the motor mount in front of the axle.
OR re configure the car as a sidewinder.
Why wont WFMT accept a manifold change to a stock animal intake for rear engine cars?
Jeff,if you are asking Syndersville to follow WFMT rules,but to allow "non teched" motors to run(by non teched i'm guessing you mean non sealed),then you are not asking Syndersville to run by wfmt rules.Because WFMT rules are that you have to run a SEALED MOTOR.It would be great if you guys asked Syndersville to follow WFMT rules, but that is not what you are doing.You are highjacking the WFMT rule book to use as a guide line,but changing the rules to meet your own needs.Letting non sealed motors run is totally Not what the WFMT concept is about.If you think that the WFMT is a good idea,why not just run the WFMT races?Why worry about what Synderville is doing at all?Or at least run the WFMT rules,the ones written in the WFMT rule book,word for word,at Synderville.That way, eveybody running a WF motor in a microstock,no matter at what race track,is running under the same rules and can be legal at any track or tour race.Now,I do see the straight intake as being a problem in a rear engined car that is trying to run a WF engine.And I do agree that the stock animal intake manifold might be a viable solution to that problem.I cannot speak for any other WFMT car owner,but I personally would not be opposed to at least looking into that as a way to make it easier for a rear engined car to run under WFMT rules,given that it seems to give no competetive advantage to those that have to use it.But in return I would expect you,and any other car owners who would need to run that manifiold, to get your motors sealed by JC as per the WFMT tour rules,just like any other WFMT competitor must do.I agree that this solution would be easier than cutting up your race car if you want to run a WF engine.My problem is that I worry that we would make this change to make your life easier,and you would still run only a couple of WFMT races anyway.I have a real problem changing our rules for guys who really aren't interested in running WFMT races anyway.Many of the cars that follow the WFMT have made modifications to there cars to bring them within the WFMT rules,for both saftey and competitive reasons,some at great cost of time and money.Why should we pass rules to make it easier for you?These owners never asked for rules to allow something outside the rules to make their life cheaper or easier.They just did it so that they could run the WFMT races and be legal.If you are HONESTLY interested in following the WFMT rules, and HONESTLY want to run WFMT races,and the only thing holding you back is running that straight intake manifold,than I would do everthing in my power to make that part legal for you to run....Arnold
Once again, thank you for your comments.
Try to look at if from my prespective (And I do not think I am alone) WF motor belongs in a "OHV Sportsman Microstock"
Why has this concept not caught on?
3 barriers to entry
#1 fitting the motor, Stock animal manifold may not be the answer but its a viable option.
#2 Sealing the motor then racing outside the WFMT and having the seal broken.
#3 the NJ gas thing
Sometimes its not about conforming to one clubs rules but about compromise by everyone.
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