Thursday, May 14, 2009

quick and dirty finish controlled class

MicroStock Cont: Mike Andrews, Mike Fox Sr, Jeff Weinacker, Mike Fox Jr., Mike Mee(DNF), Kenny Kund(DNF), Jeanne Hiddeman(DNF), Carl Weinacker(DNS)

Microstock Cont: Kevin Pross, Kenny Lund, Ken Hammond, Noel Scheffen, Mike Gradzicki, Jeanne Hiddeman, Carl Weinacker, Gary Scheffen

Race Report 5/10/09 – Wall Stadium, NJ

Ervin Wins One for M.O.M.
WALL TOWNSHIP, NJ – Ewing Township, NJ Driver Tom Ervin claimed his second victory of the season on Sunday by winning the Mothers Day Modified Outlaw Micro Stock feature event at Wall Stadium. The road to victory lane was not an easy one, however, as he and Nick Cottone in the #5 dueled all day for the top spot. In their heat race Ervin in the K&K #99 and Cottone started side by side in the last row. Charging to the front, the pair swapped the lead several times before Ervin grabbed the spot.

In the feature event the two continued their duel where they had left off earlier. Ervin jumped out to an early lead at the start with Cottone close behind. Contact between the #6 of Dennis Hiddemen and the #93 of Billy Kriegner Jr. ended Kriegner’s day on lap 2. On the restart Ervin again got out to a good start while Cottone gave chase. On lap 7 Dennis Hiddemen, who had worked his way up to 3rd spun without bringing out a caution bringing John Kazmierski and Andy Hiddemen up to 3rd and 4th. The next lap Cottone caught Ervin and tried a diving pass going into turn one. Ervin retaliated by re-taking the position through turn 2. On the 10th lap Andy Hiddemen moved past Kazmierski to claim 3rd. Lap 12 turned eventful as Cottone again tried a diving pass on Ervin. This time contact between the two saw Cottone spin but recover to maintain 2nd position on the track. The running order remained unchanged for the remainder of the event, with Ervin prevailing. The top 5 at the finish were Ervin, Cottone, A. Hiddemen, Kazmierski, & D. Hiddemen.

The Modified Outlaw Micro Stocks will return to Wall Stadium on Sunday, May 17th for their third race of the season. There is no club fee to race with M.O.M., and all Modified Micro Stock drivers are welcome to compete.
Race Report prepared by
Tom Ervin – M.O.M. Public

I write ‘em no matter who wins!

Monday, May 4, 2009

World Formula Modified Tour - OVRP May 2

Feature Finish - 20 Laps

1.Tommy Kosch
2.Paul Pairo
3.Don Boonstra
4.Roberto Gonzales
5.Adam Kievit (DNF)
6.Kenny Lund (DNF)

Race report and a whole bunch of web updates at

Monday, April 13, 2009


The 4th Annual season of the World Formula Modified Tour kicks off this coming Saturday, April 18th at Oakland Valley Raceway Park in Cuddebackville, NY.

The World Formula Modified tour is happy to announce the launch of their new website at and a new WFMT t-shirt to start off the 2009 Season.

The Weekend Ahead

It seems that just a few days ago no one was ready to race and there was no place to go. But here we are with This Fridays racing a Snydersville with sunny skies and lows around 40 it should prove to be a great night. Anyone going to Snydersville Friday night might also considering the WFMT's opening date at OVRP. Just swap over to hard tires and change the driver from an 11 to a 14 and you'll be close. OVRP looks like they will have low 60's and sunny skied as well. And for all the Asphalt guys Wall is open too on Sunday the 19th. So once again there is no reason to leave those cars in the garage to gather dust. Set em up, load em up and get out there. Lets Race!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wall Adds a Day

Thats right,
Wall Speedways Sunday Series has added another day to the schedule.
Sunday, May 3, Gates open at 10, Practice starts at 11, Racing starts at 12.
The Racing gods are smiling.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wall Sunday Series Opens for Practice

What a day! 5 controlled /WF powered cars were there along with 3 Modified MOM microstocks. The show was run somewhat informal but well done. Everyone was happy to be fine tuning setups on the track that was and now is again. Johnny O’s was open and the burgers were perfect. Only a few clouds in the sky with a light breeze by the end of the day where it easily topped 70 degrees. Again, what a perfect day for racing! In fact it was the perfect day to try a TQ as well. Thanks to the “Green Flag Driving Experience” and the couple cars we had the opportunity to take 10 laps in a car that’s a whole lot different than a microstock but bred from the same mystical track of the past. Pinebrook! Growing up going to the Friday night races all summer and then seeing the opportunity to try one. I had to jump at the chance. What a ride! What a ride! I am doing that every Sunday! Next up. Opening day for Wall on April 19th. Get those cars ready, I don’t know where ever they were again. I know there are lots of cars out there. Many of the are ready to go. Hope they come out for opening day.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Weekend Ahead

The Weather looks good, The extra week allowed more cars to be ready, and people are juggling their schedules to make the track. Last weekend Snydersville was supposed to have opening day but I have heard nothing. Do they have a new web site? Is there a schedule released? If anyone has it, I will post it. Is Snydersville running this weekend? Again it looks like good weather.

Wall is going to be open as well, With a few good dry days prior to the gates opening, many are excited about getting on track again. From veterans to rookies, we will be there shaking down the cars and fine tuning for opening day. Who else is going to show? Lets get those cars out on track and show support for Wall.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Opening Day Rained out

OKay, I just got the word that Wall's Sunday Series has been cancelled. There is a 90% chance of rain all day Sunday.

Is there still enough time to re set the cars for Snydersville's openeing day this Saturday?

Thanks for the Info Jill.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

4 Degrees This Morning

As the cold grip of winter attempts to throttle springs charge to the front, thoughts of opening day fill the minds of racers everywhere. Microstock Drivers from Jr Sportsman to the always fast Modified Outlaw Microstocks are busy tinkering in their garages, Checking the rule books and inspecting the belt dates making sure every last item is checked off the winter work list.
"Rebuilt Motor.....Check"
"Belts..... Check"
"Bleed the Brakes....Check"
"Chain Guard installed ..... Check"
"Helmet clearance .....Check"
"Asphalt or dirt set up..... Check"
"Scale Car..... Check"
"Everything Safety Wired.....Check"
"Spare Chain..... Check"
"Clean the Trailer... Lets wait till it warms up a bit more ... Eh?"

Things will kick off with the Swap Meet at Wall Township and Sunday Series Promotional day on Saturday the 14th of March. This will be followed by the first practice day on March 29th. A second practice day on April 5th. Then the first race on April 19th.

Snydersville's Opening day will be on March 28th and is sure to attract many racers as well to "shake down" their cars and karts. The full season schedule should be available soon.

The World Formula Microstock Tour schedule is up and they will kick off their season on April 18th at OVRP.

Can you feel the building excitement? Its coming, that waving green flag for the first lap of the first race of the season will be here before you know it. If your not ready, your running out of time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wall Township Sunday Series Tentative Schedule

Tentative 2009 Schedule


Sun. 15th or Sat. the 21st (or both) Promotional Day

Sun the 29th: Practice


5th: Practice

19th: Race


10th: Race (Mother’s Day)?

17th: Race

24th: Race

31st: OFF Memorial Day Weekend ( and NASCAR at DOVER )


14th: Race

21st: Race (Fathers Day) ?

28th: Race


5th: Race (4th of July Weekend) ?

12th: Race

19th: Race


2nd: Race

9th: Race

16th: Race

30th: Race (4th one of month)?


6th: Race

13th: Race

27th: Race


4th: Race


25th:: Final Race

Saturday, February 7, 2009

E Mail from Ellin (Race Mom)

Good Afternoon Race Fans!

I am forwarding a link to the Sunday Series website, at Jill's request.If you know anyone that is interested in the Sunday Series please pass along the wesite information. You can also have them contact Jill or me to be added to the email list.

Thanks and we'll see you all soon!
Race Mom

Finalized 2009 WFMT Schedule

Here is the finalized 2009 WFMT schedule. If you picked up a schedule at Motorsports, it's pretty much the same schedule (the tentative dates are now confirmed) The only date that has changed is for Novemberfest, which will be the weekend of October 23-25, with a raindate of the following weekend. All races dates are Saturdays and all holiday weekends with the exception of Labor day - Summer Spectacular) have been left open. There is still the possibility of an open show if something can be worked out.

We're also currently working on getting the website back up and running.

April 18 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 30 Lap Feature
May 2 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature
May 16 Shellhammers Speedway 30 Lap Feature
June 6 Shellhammers Speedway 30 Lap Feature
June 20 Oakland Valley Raceway Park Twin 20 Lap Features
July 11 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature
July 25 Shellhammers Speedway Pa. Shootout 30 Lap Feature
Aug 15 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature
Aug 22 Shellhammers Speedway 30 Lap Feature
Sept 5 Shellhammers Speedway Summer Spectacular 40 Laps
Sept 12 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature
Oct 3 Oakland Valley Raceway Park Empire 50 (2-25 lap segments)
Oct 17 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature
Oct 24 Oakland Valley Raceway Park Novemberfest Twin 20's (Rain date Oct. 30-Nov 1st)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Snydersville Rules Meeting

Just heard that Snydersville is having their Rules meeting on March 1st, 1pm. More details to come as soon as I know them. If anyone out there has better info, please let me know. Supposedly its the Firehouse or Ambulance building on 611.

So clear your schedules if you plan on running Snydersville at all this year.

Just as an FYI. I hope we can get the WF motor accepted as a competitor to the C/S class in Microstocks and to have Snydersville accept the seal used by WFMT as a "teched" Item. This will open the door for more competitors to run more places with the WF motor and be 100% legal without aditional expenses.

On a side note, Over the weekend we attempted to fit a WF motor in to the 12a. The Air Filter will be completly hanging over the rear bumper. The use of an Animal intake would solve this but would make the combination illigal for the WFMT series. IMO if we allow the stock Animal intake at Wall and Snydersville (Not an aftermarket Billet shorty or extra long..STOCK ONLY) we will make the addition of the WF motor to all the older rear engine cars much easier for everyone involved.
But we must ensure that each competitor realizes this would have to be swapped back to run a WFMT race.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Winter Whats Up?

There have been some interesting events since my last post here.
Between my company being bought out, my insanely busy work schedule, the purchase of 2 more cars and a champ car for the kids. The listing of my home for sale and the fantastic action giving me the feeling that moving day will be soon to a place where I can build a proper work shop. Lets not forget the freshening of motors, the installation of WF motors. The uncertainly of how a sealed WF motor will be accepted during Tech at non WFMT events. Wall claiming they are running a Sunday series but the site is not up yet. Word about new promoters at Poughkeepsie, Unknown rules meeting date for Snydersville. The crumbling economy and 3 race dates in front of a real crowd at Mahoning, Well, there's a lot to consider with little reliable information. So I figured I would post what I know and links to where the info should pop up eventually.

Here is Wall Sunday series web site.. Its not working yet but here is the link

Here is Walls big car events schedule, Its great to see this.

I wonder of the 1/4 midgets will be running "Little Wall" too.

Here is the Only known Schedule at this time and this is for the World Formula Microstock Tour
I love the fact that they have reduced their schedule to 2 tracks making adjustments and improving your cars handling a little bit easier. I also Applaud Kenny Lund for working extremely hard to get this in place and post the schedule.

April 18 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 30 Lap Feature Tentative
May 2 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature Tentative
May 16 Shellhammers Speedway 30 Lap Feature
June 6 Shellhammers Speedway 30 Lap Feature
June 20 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature
July 11 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature
July 25 Shellhammers Speedway Pa. Shootout 30 Lap Feature
Aug 15 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature
Aug 22 Shellhammers Speedway 30 Lap Feature
Sept 5 Shellhammers Speedway Summer Spectacular 40 Laps
Sept 12 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature
Oct 3 Oakland Valley Raceway Park Empire 50 (2-25 lap segments)
Oct 17 Oakland Valley Raceway Park 25 Lap Feature
Nov 1 Oakland Valley Raceway Park Novemberfest Twin 20's Tentative

Hey M.O.M. ........ where's your schedule? Will it be "See Wall's Sunday series" with the occasional jaunt to OVRP and the money race at Snydersville? I am sure they are waiting on a few more details to be set in place before releasing their schedule.