Monday, August 11, 2008


Things were relatively uneventful for the controlled stock class last night. Thankfully, a wrist-braced but happy Mystie Gargone returned with her car none the worse for wear, and went on to claim the race when her competitor Teri Morrison dnf'd due to clutch failure.

For the modified micro class, it was quite the opposite. It was a rather full field, with five showing up from Carl Schier's Modified Outlaw Micro team (Carl, Brian Braddock, Denny and Andy Hindeman,and Jimmy VanDyne), as well as a lone driver, Dave ? in the modified winged animal (champ?) class, combined with sentimental track favorite Walt Morrison. They had a lively heat race, in which 3 of the M.O.M. team tangled, resulting in one of them (Andy, the #8) being put out of commission for the night.

The ensuing feature was exciting to watch. Carl and Brian contended hotly for first, while Hindeman, Morrison and VanDyne duked it out for third. Morrison had gone as far back as fifth, when in a strikingly bold move he took third back from Hindeman, then VanDyne from the outside. Morrison went on to say how delighted he was that his self-made, no-frills stock block motor had performed so well for him, expecially since it was essentially in the "breaking-in" stage.

The M.O.M.'s will be going on the Oakland Valley in Cuddebackville, NY on August 23rd, and invite all modified micros to compete, as well as the controlled microstock class. In addition, they look forward to keeping the track at Snydersville on their regular agenda.

In Race Reporter
Teri Morrison

Winners for 8/8/08
A.J.Tonkin Jr. Sportsman
Mysti Gargone Sr. Controlled
Jim Ackerman pushed Sr. Sportsman
Brian Braddock Modified

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