Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ledgewood Mall Show

Racers Against Hunger - Race Show
Feb 27 - Feb 28 , 2010 Dozens of spectacular racing vehicles on display! Benefit event dedicated to feeding local families in need.

I plan on attending along with a camera, post to follow.


Snydersville Track Meeting

February 28, 2010 @ 1:00 pm

Central Pocono Ambulance Building - Tannersville, PA 18372

Wow.. what a whirl wind!

OK.. so the Micostock News Wire has been neglected for some time. I am quite sorry, I had a few things going on. I got rid of an "albatross" around my neck, sold my house and moved to a much better place, At work a corporate takeover has jumbled things around restricting access to blogging accounts then a computer crash. Needless to say I had a few things going on. However, life is settling down, everything is back on track and its time to start this bad boy up again.

News From Weinacker Motorsports
the 24x has been stripped down, frame sandblasted and re painted. New Body panels and the new number are in and the rebirth in to the number 42X will happen soon.

The 10 car has goten a new front bumper, axle and real king pins along with brass sleeves in the spindles.

The 94 got a full going over with new bearings, belts and a WF motor that has a working compression release.

The 12a is currently torn down to nothing and being changed in to a sidewinder.

On a side note, The MRL Rule book will be updated with this years date on the front and no other changes unless someone can provide the WKA WF stock rules.

We are planning on coming back to Wall this year and being competitive with all 4 cars. Many many issues were found, resolved, repaired, rebuilt and or replaced.

See ya at the track!